* FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * Policy updated for May 1992, subject to change. Advertising in SIMPLE and EASY in GIF News, and very very affordable. Basically a small ad, roughly under 1/5 the size of a full page, will be free of charge. Often times these are ads for Bulletin Board Systems. GIF News is read by thousands of readers throughout the world. Besides the standard way of distribution through Bulletin Board Systems, GIF News travels by means of the worldwide Network of Internet which reaches many countries such as Japan, Australia, Norway, Finland, Canada, USA, France, Great Britain, Singapore, New Zealand, Mexico, and more. GIF News can also be found on the Compuserve Game Forum in the Magazines download section. Here are some guidelines to follow for advertising in GIF News: 1. If short and small, the ad is free of charge. I may add some simple graphics to make the ad a little more interesting. 2. If advertising a BBS: a. Send me a normal-access user acount pre-registered. In other words, add an Eric Hsiao to your user roster and pick a password and send it to me (along with your ad). b. Sysops must let me know before each and every issue comes out that they want their ad in it. This will help me keep track of which boards are still up and which ones have gone down. This will save our readers from the trouble of dialing long distance to a board and getting a "Sorry, the number you have dialed has been disconnected..." I am unable to accept requests that say "Please put my BBS ad for the next 10 issues." If you want your BBS ad in the next 10 issues, you much notify me before the deadline of each of the 10 issues that you want the ad in it. 3. If contributing money for an ad: a. A full page with customized drawn graphics by me will general- ly run around $75 - add $25 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. b. Pre-supplied/drawn graphics full page size will generally be around $50 - add $25 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. c. Half a page of custom graphics will run around $30 - add $10 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. d. Pre-supplied/drawn graphics half size will be around $15 - add $10 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. e. Please keep in mind that these are only general numbers, I am very flexible and will negotiate. Also, unlike the FREE BBS ad policy, you can request that your ad be in for a certain number of issues (ex. "Please put my full page ad in the January issue for a contribution of $50, plus I would like to see it in the March/April and May/June issues for an additional contribution of $50 (2 x $25). See above for contribution guidelines. f. Contributions not need be in the form of monetary units (money). Instead, products of interest to me such as a PostScript Laser Printer, v32Bis Modem, etc. would really be appreciated. 4. Any legitimate commercial/business/organization/group/individual can advertise in GIF News. GIF News retains the right to refuse any advertisement due to content, space considerations, or other reasons. We try to screen all advertisers for legitimacy. Complaints against advertisers should be directed toward the advertiser or the Better Business Bureau, not GIF News. 5. The final deadline for the next issue is 10 days before the issue is to come out. In other words, for the Sept/October 1992 issue, I must have the ad in my hands by August 21, 1992. * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING *