This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== GIF News Issue 20 ====== May / June 1992 <carousel> <carousel-item image=":gifnews:gn9205-1.gif"> <carousel-item image=":gifnews:gn9205-2.gif"> <carousel-item image=":gifnews:gn9205-3.gif"> <carousel-item image=":gifnews:gn9205-4.gif"> </carousel> <file txt GN9205.TXT> GIF News May/June 1992 Issue #20 (C)1992 Hsiao & Hunter, Inc. Release date: May 1, 1992 ------------------- From the Desk of the Editor ------------------------- Hi, this is Eric Hsiao, the creator of GIF News. Thanks for taking the downloading GIF News. This issue is dedicated totally to sound boards, and we really hope the information you find within helps you pick the sound board that best suits your needs. If you find the information useful and helpful, please consider a small donation of around $5 to help cover long distance telephone charges incurred from the distribution of GIF News. So, sit back and enjoy the issue. Please feel free to send me any comments and questions you may have (i.e. that green on white font is too difficult to read, what software do you use to create GIF News, do you have any more information on the Pro Audio Spectrum 16, etc.). Our next issue will be July/August. Look for it around July 1st. Thanks, Eric Hsiao Files in this archive: GN9205-1.GIF --- Page 1 (Super-VGA 640x400 256 color page) GN9205-2.GIF --- Page 2 (Super-VGA 640x400 256 color page) GN9205-3.GIF --- Page 3 (EGA 640x350 16 color page) GN9205-4.GIF --- Page 4 (EGA 640x350 16 color page) GN9205.TXT --- This file (From the Desk of the Editor) GIFNEWS.ADS --- How to advertise in GIF News BACKISSU.TXT --- Description of all back issues of GIF News RANGS.TXT --- EZ BAK Boomerangs, an interesting look ------------------ 8 Files Total Again, GIF News can be freely copied and shared just as long as no modifications what-so-ever are made to this archive. This includes the addition or deletion of files to and from this archive. If you enjoy reading GIF News, please consider a small donation of $5 (US) to cover my expenses of uploading GIF News to long distance Bulletin Boards across the country. Also, please upload GIF News to a couple of your favorite boards. Any bit of distribution helps. By the way, a PostScript Laser Printer would really be appreciated here. It would enable us to send hardcopies of GIF News to those who want it on paper. If you know of any office/computer supply auctions, please let me know. Free advertising GIFNEWS.ADS for more details. Special note to Internet readers: If you would like to be a GIF News subscriber, just send me E-mail and I will add you to the mailing list. GIF News will be uuencoded and sent to you via E-mail. Many uudecoders exist for both unix and ms-dos platforms. If you are unable to handle the .ZIP format on your machine, let me know and I will send you the file in an LHARC, ARJ, ZOO, or ARC format. Also, if you're anonymously FTP'ing, and come across some files you think might be GIF News. You can easily tell which issue is up by looking at the filename. For example, the filename is: <-- The gn stands for GIF News, the 92 re- presents the year, and the 05 is the month (May in this case). So be sure to look for in the beginning of July. Several FTP sites you might want to look for GIF News are: /pub/ /graphics/gif-news /pub-write/gif-news For the easiest way to contact me, please check out the following: Note: Besides US Postal Mail, I check my Internet E-Mail most often. How to reach me: US Mailing Address #1 Eric Hsiao 7 Fair Way Poughkeepsie, New York 12603-5014 USA US Mailing Address #2 Eric Hsiao 406-A BARH Mailroom, RPI Troy, New York 12180-3590 USA Note: Both addresses will reach me, but address #1 will reach me quicker between the months of May and August (summer). E-mail Internet: Bitnet: userha6g@rpitsmts.bitnet Compuserve: ADDRESS:> MCI Mail: TO: Eric Hsiao (EMS) EMS: Internet MBX: MBX: [press ENTER key] Prodigy: XPJD96B Bulletin Boards: PC Pitstop (914) 298-1914 USR HST v.42bis Channel 1 (617) 354-8873 (See BBS Ad - GN9203-2.GIF) If you are interested in hiring a full time graphics artist or computer systems engineer, please contact me. I have experience with creating computer graphics and video as well as skills in Windows, Lotus 123, Word for Windows, Modems & Communications, Unix, Pascal, C, and PC Hardware & Peripheral Installation. I'm also interested in working in the field of multimedia. Contact me and I will send you a resume. --------------------- Thank-you for downloading and reading GIF News, Eric Hsiao Editor-in-Chief March 5, 1992 </file> <file txt RANGS.TXT> Boomerangs - The thinking man's Frisbee The Boomerang a Stone Age Invention that mystifies all who see it's flight as well those who throw it. Modern Boomerangs thrown correctly will return! The principles and forces which make the Boomerang return are : 1. Aerodynamic Lift. 2. Gyroscopic Precession. 3. Gravity. 4. Inertia. THE THROW - A boomerang throw is an overhand throw, NEVER SIDEARM. Face the wind and aim the throw between 45 and 90 degrees to the right of the wind. Aim the height of the throw as if to hit a object six feet off the ground 75 feet away in the direction of your throw. The tilt should be between vertical and 30 degrees to the outside of vertical. The amount of tilt to the outside determines the height that the boomerang will reach. The higher the boomerang flies the more the wind will effect the flight path. SPIN - Spin or rotational velocity is critical. There is no need for a high speed forward throw but there is need for high rotational velocity. A good flight should go something like this. Standing on home plate of a baseball field with a slight breeze from the direction of the pitcher, the throw should go out over first base then start a rising arc to the left, out over center field. The Boomerang will then arc back in over third base slowing down to a hover over home plate before dropping in for an easy catch at home plate. If you would like to give this a try, Boomerangs and/or information are available from. EZ BAK Boomerangs P.O. Box 356 North Stonington, CT 06359 For a real working (cardboard, indoor) Boomerang Kit and info send $1.00 to cover shipping and handling. Handcrafted, Wooden, Returning Boomerangs also available: One - for $12.95 plus $1.50 shipping Two - for $24.00 postage paid </file> <file txt GIFNEWS.ADS> * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * Policy updated for May 1992, subject to change. Advertising in SIMPLE and EASY in GIF News, and very very affordable. Basically a small ad, roughly under 1/5 the size of a full page, will be free of charge. Often times these are ads for Bulletin Board Systems. GIF News is read by thousands of readers throughout the world. Besides the standard way of distribution through Bulletin Board Systems, GIF News travels by means of the worldwide Network of Internet which reaches many countries such as Japan, Australia, Norway, Finland, Canada, USA, France, Great Britain, Singapore, New Zealand, Mexico, and more. GIF News can also be found on the Compuserve Game Magazines download section. Here are some guidelines to follow for advertising in GIF News: 1. If short and small, the ad is free of charge. I may add some simple graphics to make the ad a little more interesting. 2. If advertising a BBS: a. Send me a normal-access user acount pre-registered. In other words, add an Eric Hsiao to your user roster and pick a password and send it to me (along with your ad). b. Sysops must let me know before each and every issue comes out that they want their ad in it. This will help me keep track of which boards are still up and which ones have gone down. This will save our readers from the trouble of dialing long distance to a board and getting a "Sorry, the number you have dialed has been disconnected..." I am unable to accept requests that say "Please put my BBS ad for the next 10 issues." If you want your BBS ad in the next 10 issues, you much notify me before the deadline of each of the 10 issues that you want the ad in it. 3. If contributing money for an ad: a. A full page with customized drawn graphics by me will general- ly run around $75 - add $25 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. b. Pre-supplied/drawn graphics full page size will generally be around $50 - add $25 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. c. Half a page of custom graphics will run around $30 - add $10 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. d. Pre-supplied/drawn graphics half size will be around $15 - add $10 for each additional issue that you want the ad in. e. Please keep in mind that these are only general numbers, I am very flexible and will negotiate. Also, unlike the FREE BBS ad policy, you can request that your ad be in for a certain number of issues (ex. "Please put my full page ad in the January issue for a contribution of $50, plus I would like to see it in the March/April and May/June issues for an additional contribution of $50 (2 x $25). See above for contribution guidelines. f. Contributions not need be in the form of monetary units (money). Instead, products of interest to me such as a PostScript Laser Printer, v32Bis Modem, etc. would really be appreciated. 4. Any legitimate commercial/non-profit/organization/group/individual can advertise in GIF News. GIF News retains the right to refuse any advertisement due to content, space considerations, or other reasons. We try to screen all advertisers for legitimacy. Complaints against advertisers should be directed toward the advertiser or the Better Business Bureau, not GIF News. 5. The final deadline for the next issue is 10 days before the issue is to come out. In other words, for the July/August 1992 issue, I must have the issue in my hands by June 21, 1992. * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * FREE ADVERTISING * </file> <file txt BACKISSU.TXT> BACKISSU.TXT ------------ ** Descriptions of every single issue of GIF News that has come out ** If you want any of these issues, just send a Self-Addressed-Stamped- Envelope and a blank floppy (5.25 or 3.5) and I'll copy them over for you. Each issue is around 100K zipped. You must include the FLOPPY AND S.A.S.E or else you won't receive anything back. ------------------ Or send a check/money order (see GN9205.TXT for the address) Cost per each 360K disk (5.25) = $1.00 Cost per each 720K disk (3.5) = $1.50 Add $.75 for shipping - average size of an issue is around 80,000-100,000 bytes. Or call the SimonsBoard BBS Network and download back issues. The number is (914) 297-2915 (dual standard v32bis) Or look for it on anonymous FTP sites. See GN9205.TXT for a list of some of them. Issue # Date Description ------- ---- ----------- 01 Nov/Dec 1988 Reviews of Leisure Suit Larry II, Fire Power, GN88-11 and Sentinel Worlds, a short autobiography of Hsiao & Hunter, Inc. 02 Feb/Mar 1989 Virus protection safeguards, review of Police GN89-02 Quest II, "Are MS-DOS Games Getting Better" editorial, game hints to Leisure Suit Larry 2. 03 May/June 1989 Industry news, Space Quest ]I[ review, 1st GN89-05 annual Sight & Sound Awards, "Taito Games Are Terrible" editorial. 04 July/Aug 1989 Nintendo Game Hints (Super Mario Bros 2, Rad GN89-07 Racer, Karnov), Reviews of 4 different driving simulation games (Vette, Test Drive 2, Lombard Rally, F40 Pursuit Simulator), Review of the game Caveman Ugh-Lympics, a short overview of Lotus 123 Release 3. 05 Nov/Dec 1989 Review of Maxis' Sim City, the new Tears For GN89-11 Fears CD "Seeds of Love", and a review of Sierra's Manhunter II. 06 Jan/Feb 1990 A Look back at the eighties, review of Sierra's GN90-01 the Colonel's Bequest, and a overview of music cards (AdLib, GameBlaster, SoundBlaster, & Roland), the best VGA games. 07 Mar/Apr 1990 "Do Sound Cards Really Sound that Good?" GN90-03 editorial, a profile of the Channel 1(tm) BBS in Cambridge, MA, review of Access' Crimewave and Bitmap Bros' Xenon II, look at digitizing sounds. 08 May/June 1990 Detailed look at the VGA and VESA video GN90-05 standard, the Ultima VI built-in cheat, the World of Amiga show in New York City. 09 July/Aug 1990 Request for BBS distribution sites, Computer GN90-07 Industry News, a look at the Sound Blaster card, a review of Spectrum Holobytes' Faces game. 10 Sept/Oct 1990 Review of the games Atomix & Puzznik, a look at GN90-09 Battlechess II and future game releases, v.42 & v.42bis - what their advantages are. 11 Nov/Dec 1990 Look at the TrakBlaster program, new Flight GN90-11 Simulator scenery disks, Reviews of games Spellcasting 101 and Jones in the Fast Lane, the Amiga Video Toaster by NewTek, Being a Game Designer for Electronic Arts. 12 Jan/Feb 1991 V.32bis standard, XGA, LaserDiscs, the GN91-01 controversial Lotus-Equifax CD-ROM CD, "Boo to Disney Software" editorial, FD-Format, review of the game Hard Nova. 13 Mar/Apr 1991 Look at Workstations, BBS's pay business rates GN91-03 on their phone lines, JMPlayer review, Amiga 24 bit graphics, the first VGA page ever. 14 May/June 1991 The Prodigy STAGE.DAT controversy, review of GN91-05 TrakBlaster v2.0, MediaVision's Pro-Audio Spectrum, Amiga News, Review of Lemmings. 15 July/Aug 1991 The PC Expo in NYC, look at Creative Labs' GN91-07 Voice Edit program, hints to the adventure game Time Quest, a review of the game Armor Alley, Internet News, and the first-ever GIF News contest. 16 Sept/Oct 1991 Sound Blaster Pro Vs. AdLib Gold, "High Prices GN91-09 for Game Software" Editorial, Internet News, Contest Winners Announced. 17 Nov/Dec 1991 Closer look at AdLib Gold, Windows 3.1 news, GN91-11 Wing Commander II Built-in cheat, Police Quest III, WordTris, Internet sites, new releases for various computers. 18 Jan/Feb 1992 AdLib Gold Delayed, Brief Windows 3.0 program GN92-01 review, Oh No More Lemmings!, 1992 planned releases, best graphical adventure game company, first SVGA page, Internet Archie Server. 19 Mar/Apr 1992 Reviews of two VGA shareware games: Scorched GN92-03 Earth and Galactix, short look at two multi- media groups, the new US Robotics 16.8K Modem, SupraCorp's v32bis modem, industry news, coming Apogee releases, $49 CD full of share- ware and public domain software. 20 May/June 1992 IBM/compatible sound cards reviews. Pro Audio GN92-05 Spectrum 16, AdLib Gold 1000, Sound Blaster Pro comparison chart. </file>