This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Redneck Rampage====== Files on the disc are dated May of 1997. This is one of the earlier products from GameWorks and has a very basic UI. This release only includes level maps and video guides. At least the maps show where secrets are located at in the levels. Products released after this would include printable walkthroughs, hints, tips, and other extra content. This software has been preserved on [[|The Internet Archive]]. ===== Video ===== {{ youtube>W8eU30tz62c? }} ===== Media ===== <carousel> <carousel-item image=":unlocksecrets:redneck_rampage:b78dc1e57884d8330d50d062bea12749.jpg"> <carousel-item image=":unlocksecrets:redneck_rampage:3bbb6cefc6adace45f2a26fae88001f2.png"> <carousel-item image=":unlocksecrets:redneck_rampage:5b7548f0ba092c71671b15b55e6b16bc.png"> <carousel-item image=":unlocksecrets:redneck_rampage:7c2b84311efa3d8b32c245fbf3cdc907.png"> <carousel-item image=":unlocksecrets:redneck_rampage:292aa5ca58b606de55dbfd6c25e333f4.png"> </carousel>